Joe and Samantha are enjoying their private beach.

The new butler they hired when they moved into their new house is a hard worker. Here he's trimming the flowers outside. He serves all their meals,

Karson invited Mia over for another date, which seems to have gone well.

Kelsie met a boy at school, Julio Charvat, who seemed to spark her interest.

And then Karson met Mariana. Lightning bolts flew! (His first 3LB match)

Things got pretty serious with her on their date, although neither of them will admit to having more than a crush on each other.

All the kids had to get their homework done,

but Karson got his done in time to have another date with Alyssa.

The inevitable has finally reached us. After drinking an entire vat of Elixir of Life, extending his life longer and longer, Joe has finally reached elder status. (He was soooo much older than Samantha when they finally got married, I had him drink the Elixir until he was only about 3 days older than her.)

Samantha and Kelsie spend some time on the beach together.

Kendra loves the new piano that one of Karson's dates left for him. So much that she wouldn't stop playing and come downstairs for her own birthday!

Kailee transitioned into a beautiful teenage girl.

The next morning, Kendra finally transitioned into a fairly nice-looking teen, as well. She was too tired after playing the piano the night before and refused to age up until she'd had some sleep.

This side by side comparison of the twins' profiles should explain why Kailee was chosen, rather than Kendra.

Here's Kohl, displaying his ONE nice point. (A good part of the reason he was passed over for heir, also.)

While Kelsie isn't a two-fisted drinker, she doesn't waste any time drinking just one instant meal at a time!

Do you recognize this gender-transitioned, aged-down-to-teen, LL Girl SimMe?

Or this gender-transitioned Sim-me?