The Schmoe kids continue to get along well. Here we see Keid, Kelsie and Kailee having some lunch.

Keid had his birthday right after that, and unfortunately the picture of him was lost.

And yet he's still a really nice boy who loves his brothers and sisters. He comes home from his dates and goes to tuck in his sisters, all by himself.

All six of the Schmoe kids, just hanging out. I think they're talking about the new house they're about to move into.

The Schmoe family moved into a new house with beach access. Samantha appears to be enjoying just relaxing and watching the waves crash on their own private beach.

As well as a little creative outlet in the form of a sandcastle.

The kids are enjoying having a bit more yard to play in.

And a nice big dining room with room for all of them at the table.

Samantha also enjoys the apple tree in the front yard.

Oh look! It's Kelsie's birthday!

First order of business is a makeover. She actually kept her transition outfit, as it was pretty decent already. But the childish pigtails had to go.

Hmm... Karson appears to be on another date, this time with Alyssa. I believe this is lover number 3.

And Elizabeth is number 4??

Apparently, she is!

And now Kohl is having a birthday!

Oh good grief. This boy is in desperate need of new clothes. That will have to wait for the next blog entry, though!

Heh. Karson is really racking up the notches on his bedpost.. or would that be notches on the photobooth? Maybe he can give Keid a few pointers.
ReplyDeleteKelsie grew up cute, despite those unfortunate Ottomas genes. And ye gawds, get Kohl out of those clothes fast. While the shirt is rather fitting for a wealth sim, those pants are not.
Eep. Maxis is not kind to transitioning sims!
ReplyDelete*Squeels!* You used my house! :Blushes: Ummm yes where was I? Gotta love those romance sims and there lose ways lol. Kelsie is cute. OMG it burns! Poor Kohl lol.
ReplyDeleteTheir lose ways, their LOL
ReplyDeleteFinally the kidlets grow up.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Keid's LTW? Is he taking after Karson?
Karson is a stud! You go boy
Kelsie looks good with her new hair style
LOL Kohl nice duds dude.
Good grief! I had to comment about this first. Kohl's transition outfit ... EEEEEEEEEWW!!!! O__o Man. I really wonder about these EA guys and their ability to recognize fashion (DECENT FASHION). But I suppose they need the craptastic fashions, too ... for certain sim types ... but dang! Wouldn't it be nice if you could actually CHOOSE the transition outfit (after selecting their aspiration)? That would be neat. Okay ... now for the rest of the update.
ReplyDeleteKeid is a romance sim, too?! Wow ... *LOL* That's going to make things interesting. Karson better head off to college ... otherwise his bro is gonna steal his girls. :OD))
Hehe! Nice house! ;O)
Wow, Romance again, eh? *giggles*
ReplyDeleteWoot! You go, Karson! He really is such a sweet big brother. :-)
That's an awesome shot of the kids all sitting around like that.
Yay for a new beach house!! *cheers* Wow, the house looks awesome in the shot of the kids playing out front.
Huh, Kelsie likes them unemployed, eh? *grins* Guess she wants a house-husband to stay home and take care of the kids. *nods* Wow, she grew up really pretty, after the new hairdo.
Geeze, Karson! You're gonna have the parents of all these girls forming up a lynch mob before you graduate high school!
YIKES!! Yes, get Kohl to the clothing store STAT!! *shudders* (But happy birthday anyway, kiddo.)