It was at this very moment that Joe realized perhaps his weight gain was more than just a bit too many late night snack attacks.

With the realization that their family was about to expand again, the Schmoes put a second story on their little house, which was quickly becoming too small.

What's this? Samantha is expecting again also? Good thing they added that extra footage on the house!

Joe met a friendly stray one evening as he was out looking through his telescope again. He hoped the dog would come back again but so far he hasn't seen the big fella.

Joe is feeling very... maternal... these days.

His bellows of pain frightened Karson, who went running to his mommy.

Welcome to earth, Keid! What a handsome boy you are!

Before they knew it, Karson was celebrating a birthday, and Samantha's pregnancy was progressing nicely.

Hello, big boy!

Samantha loved little Keid, and talked to Joe about adopting the little boy so they could officially be a family.

Time sure flies when you're tending babies right and left. Here comes #3!

Another handsome boy! Welcome to the Schmoe family, Kohl!

Yet another birthday sneaking up on them... Keid is about to be a toddler!

Samantha enjoyed spending time with all three of her boys. Teaching Keid to walk,

Apparently her well-toned body has attracted her husband's attention a few times. ;-)

Kohl's birthday, already?

Joe's shirt didn't fare too well with the pregnancy wear-anything. That would explain his sweats and baggy t-shirts earlier in this chapter.